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来源:       发布时间:2024-08-30      浏览:


陈家民,中共党员,中南大学博士,计算机科学与技术专业。研究方向为图自动机器学习、基于图学习的生物信息学、时间序列挖掘、图神经网络等。目前已在CCF A、CCF B、中科院1区、2区Top期刊与顶级会议发表学术论文30余篇(SIGIR, BIBM, ECAI, CKIM, TPDS, IS, JBHI, TCBB, TETC等),发明专利2项,担任多个中科院1区2区学术期刊审稿人(KBS, PR, TKDE等),参与国家自然科学基金面上项目2两项,华为校企合作项目1项,目前研究兴趣为基于大语言模型的图学习,图自动学习、生物信息学,机器学习交叉应用,个人主页:https://automachine0.github.io/。

联系方式: 微信:radiocjm 邮箱:chenjiamin1024@gmail.com


2010.09-2014.06 南昌大学,理学院,本科

2014.09-2017.06 南昌大学,理学院,硕士

2016.10-2017.01 科大讯飞,研究院,研究员

2017.07-2020.07 浙江移动,信息技术部,IT算法工程师

2020.09-2024.06 中南大学,计算机学院,博士

2024.09-至今 贵州师范大学,大数据与计算机科学学院,讲师



[1] Jiamin Chen, Jianliang Gao, Yibo Chen, Babatounde MOCTARD Oloulade, Tengfei Lyu, Zhao Li. GraphPAS: Parallel Architecture Search for Graph Neural Networks. The International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, 2021. (SIGIR) CCF A

[2] Jiamin Chen, Jianliang Gao, Yibo Chen, Babatounde MOCTARD Oloulade, Tengfei Lyu, Zhao Li. Auto-GNAS: A Parallel Graph Neural Architecture Search Framework. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2022. (TPDS) CCF A 中科院2区 top

[3] Jiamin Chen, Jianliang Gao, Zhenpeng Wu, Raeed Al-Sabri, Babatounde Moctard Oloulade. Decoupled Differentiable Graph Neural Architecture Search. Information Sciences, 2024. (IS) CCF B中科院1区 top

[4] Jiamin Chen, Jianliang Gao, Tengfei Lyu, Babatounde MOCTARD Oloulade, Xiaohua Hu. AutoMSR: Auto Molecular Structure Representation Learning for Multi-label Metabolic Pathway Prediction. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2022. (TCBB) CCF B 中科院3区

[5] Jiamin Chen, Jianliang Gao, Tengfei Lyu, Babatounde MOCTARD Oloulade, Xiaohua Hu. Multi-label Metabolic Pathway Prediction with Auto Molecular Structure Representation Learning. IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, 2021. (BIBM) CCF B

[6] Jiamin Chen, Zhenpeng Wu, Jianliang Gao, Xiaohua Hu. Glycan Immunogenicity Prediction with Efficient Automatic Graph Neural Network. IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, 2022. (BIBM) CCF B

[7] Jiamin Chen, Kai Yuan, Linfang Shen, Xiaohua Deng, Lujun Hong, Ming Yao. Studies of Terahertz Wave Propagation in Realistic Reentry Plasma Sheath. Progress in Electromagnetics Research, 2016. (PIER) 中科院1区

[8] Jianliang Gao, Zhenpeng Wu, Raeed Al-Sabri, Babatounde Moctard Oloulade, and Jiamin Chen*. AutoDDI: Drug–drug Interaction Prediction with Automated Graph Neural Network. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics,2024. (*通讯作者) (JBHI) CCF C中科院2区 top

[9] Shu Liu, Jiaheng Wang, Jiamin Chen*, Jianliang Gao and Yuhui Zhong. TemDep: Temporal Dependency Priority for Multivariate Time Series Prediction. ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, 2023. (*通讯作者) (CIKM) CCF B

[10] Jianliang Gao, Raeed Al-Sabri, Babatounde Moctard Oloulade, Jiamin Chen*, Tengfei Lyu and Zhenpeng Wu. GM2NAS: Multitask Multiview Graph Neural Architecture Search. Knowledge and Information Systems, 2023. (*通讯作者) (KAIS) CCF B 中科院4区

[11] Jianliang Gao, Babatounde Moctard Oloulade, Raeed Al-Sabri, Jiamin Chen*, Tengfei Lyu and Zhenpeng Wu. Graph Neural Architecture Prediction. Knowledge and Information Systems, 2023. (*通讯作者) (KAIS) CCF B 中科院4区

[12] Jianliang Gao, Changlong He, Jiamin Chen*, Qiutong Li, Yili Wang. Decoupled Graph Neural Architecture Search with Variable Propagation Operation and Appropriate Depth. International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management, 2023. (*通讯作者) (SSDBM) CCF C

[13] Jianliang Gao#, Jiamin Chen#, Babatounde Moctard Oloulade, Raeed Al-Sabri, Tengfei Lyu, Ji Zhang and Zhao Li. CommGNAS: Unsupervised Graph Neural Architecture Search for Community Detection. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, 2023. (#共同一作) (TETC) 中科院2区

[14] Yili Wang#, Jiamin Chen#, Qiutong Li, Changlong He, Jianliang Gao. Relation Time-aware Heterogeneous Dynamic Graph Neural Networks. European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2024 . (#共同一作) (ECAI) CCF B

[15] Yuhui Zhong#, Jiamin Chen#, Jianliang Gao, Jiaheng Wang, Quan Wan. DTSRN: Dynamic Temporal Spatial Relation Network for Stock Ranking Recommendation. International Conference on Neural Information Processing, 2023. (#共同一作) (ICONIP) CCF C

[16] Yili Wang#, Jiamin Chen#, Qiutong Li, Changlong He, Jianliang Gao. Graph Neural Architecture Search with Heterogeneous Message-passing Mechanisms. Knowledge and Information Systems, 2024. (#共同一作) (KAIS) CCF B 中科院4区

[17] Zhenpeng Wu, Jiamin Chen, Raeed Al-Sabri, Babatounde Moctard Oloulade, and Jianliang Gao. Depth-adaptive graph neural architecture search for graph classification. Knowledge-Based Systems 2024 (KBS) CCF C

[18] Zhenpeng Wu, Jiamin Chen, Raeed Al-Sabri, Babatounde Moctard Oloulade, and Jianliang Gao. Adaptive Graph Contrastive Learning with Joint Optimization of Data Augmentation and Graph Encoder. Knowledge and Information Systems, 2023. (KAIS) CCF B 中科院4区

[19] Zhenpeng Wu, Jiamin Chen, Jianliang Gao. Adaptive Drug Repositioning Prediction. IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, 2024 (BIBM) CCF B

[20] Raeed Al-Sabri, Jianliang Gao, Jiamin Chen, Babatounde Moctard Oloulade and Zhenpeng Wu. AutoAMS: Automated Attention-Based Multi-Modal Graph Learning Architecture Search. . Neural Networks, 2024. (NN) CCF B 中科院1区

[21] Raeed AL-sabri, Jianliang Gao, Jiamin Chen, Babatounde Moctard Oloulade, Zhenpeng Wu, Monir Abdullah, and Xiaohua Hu. M3GNAS: Multi-modal Multi-view Graph Neural Architecture Search for Medical Outcome Predictions. IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, 2024 (BIBM) CCF B

[22] Yili Wang, Jiamin Chen, Qiutong Li, Changlong He, Jianliang Gao. MSLS: Meta-graph Search with Learnable Supernet for Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks. International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management, 2023. (SSDBM) CCF C

[23] Babatounde Moctard Oloulade, Jianliang Gao, Jiamin Chen, Raeed Al-Sabri, Zhenpeng Wu. Cancer Drug Response Prediction With Surrogate Modeling-Based Graph Neural Architecture Search. Bioinformatics, 2023. (Bioinformatics) CCF B 中科院3区

[24] Babatounde Moctard Oloulade, Jianliang Gao, Jiamin Chen, Raeed Al-Sabri, Tengfei Lyu. Neural Predictor-Based Automated Graph Classifier Framework. Machine Learning, 2022. (Machine Learning) CCF B 中科院3区

[25] Raeed AI-Sabri, Jianliang Gao, Jiamin Chen, Babatounde MOCTARD Oloulade, Tengfei Lyu. Multi-view Graph Neural Architecture Search for Biomedical Entity and Relation Extraction. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 2022. (TCBB) CCF B 中科院3区

[26] Babatounde Moctard Oloulade, Jianliang Gao, Jiamin Chen, Tengfei Lyu, Raeed Al-Sabri. Graph Neural Architecture Search: A Survey. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 2021. (TST) 中科院2区

[27] Raeed Al-Sabri, Jianliang Gao, Jiamin Chen, Babatounde Moctard Oloulade and Tengfei Lyu. AutoTGRL: An Automatic Text-graph Representation Learning Framework. Neural Computing and Application,2023. (NCAA) CCF C 中科院3区

[28] Xiangyue Liu, Xinqi Lyu, Xiangchi Zhang, Jianliang Gao, Jiamin Chen. Memory Augmented Graph Learning Networks for Multivariate Time Series Forecasting. The Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, 2022. (CIKM) CCF B

[29] Xinqi Lyu, Yibo Chen, Jiamin Chen, Xiangyue Liu, Jianliang Gao. Spatio-Temporal based Architecture Topology Search for Multivariate Time Series Prediction. IEEE International Conference on Big Data, 2022. (IEEE BigData) CCF C

[30] Kai Yuan, Jiamin Chen, Linfang Shen, Xiaohua Deng, Ming Yao, Lujun Hong. Impact of Reentry Speed on the Transmission of Obliquely Incident THz Waves in Realistic Plasma Sheaths. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2018. (TPS) 中科院3区

[31] Shoucheng Wang, Bingqiu Chen, Jun Ma, Qian Long, Haibo Yuan, Dezi Liu, Zhimin Zhou, Wei Liu, Jiamin Chen, Zizhao He. Identification of New M 31 Star Cluster Candidates from PAndAS Images using Convolutional Neural Networks. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2022. (A&A) 中科院2区


1.IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE) CCF A顶刊 审稿人

2.Pattern Recognition (PR) 中科院1区 top审稿人

3.Knowledge-Based Systems (KBS) 中科院1区 top 审稿人

4.ACM Computing Surveys (ACM CS) 中科院1区 top审稿人

5.Briefings in Bioinformatics (BIB) 中科院2区 top审稿人

6.Artificial Intelligence Review (AIR) 中科院2区 top 审稿人


1.大规模图神经网络自动建模加速研究 国家自然科学基金面上项目(62272487) 参与

2.面向知识发现的网络对齐方法及其在生物网络中的应用 国家自然科学基金面上项目(61873288) 参与

3.基于大规模图数据的图神经网络结构搜索研究 中国人工智能协会——华为MindSpore学术奖励基金(CAAIXSJLJJ-2020-037A) 参与


2023年获中南大学校长奖学金 拔尖奖

